Sunday, September 4, 2011

EPLER the name is EPLER not EPHLER.

The inventor of THE game is EPLER. STEPHEN EDWARD EPLER.
Heath A Gibson called it to my attention that I spelled Mr. Epler's name wrong!
I have read this a million times and never caught my mistake. How lame is that?
I make an honest effort to bring honor to a gentleman that much honor is due and I can't spell his name correctly. I beg the forgiveness of all ESPECIALLY Mr. Epler's family.

Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler Epler

by Don Hardin
Abilene, Texas

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