Friday, August 19, 2011

SIX by Marc Rasmussen

Martyn Beeny, Marketing Director for the South Dakota State Historical Society asked me to review the book.

Six: A Football Coach’s Journey to a National Record
Marc Rasmussen
South Dakota State Historical Society Press
ISBN 978-0-9845041-4-5, paperback original, $16.95
b/w photographs, maps, appendices, indexes

Historical accounts at times seem like reading a White Paper. This book is tremendously different as it has a wonderful story unfold out of a written history.

SIX is a winner! This wonderful book’s storyline has uncovered an outstanding piece of South Dakota history too long hidden in obscurity. A coach, a community without direction, a ragtag group of athletes that came together to produce a powerful and storied six-man football program well worthy of attention all across this Nation. Set in the late 1940’s and early 1950’s, it tells of a time and place where the townspeople languished in that difficult time shortly after World War II. I believe any sports fans who read this book will enjoy and relish the outstanding feat,( 61 wins in a row), accomplished by Coach Welsh and the Claremont Honkers players as well as the fine folks of the community that gave their support. Three cheers from Texas!!! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray! Hip Hip Hooray!

Don Hardin
Abilene, TX
On twitter@sixmancentral

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